Musica Antiqua was active from 1967 to 2011.



The Lute Society of America
Olympic Musical Instruments
Early European Instruments
Musical instruments from early catholic Europe during the Arab invasion *This site is in Italian*
Traditional Instruments of Spain
Traditional Musical Instruments of the Iberian Peninsula *This website is in Spanish*
The Lute Page
The Lute Page, about old and new lutes, makers, music, techniques, organizations.
Orpheon Museum of Historical Instruments
The Vazquez Collection of Historical Musical Instruments 1550-1780, viola da gamba, violin, violoncello, viola d'amore, baryton, loaned to musicians, exhibition, courses for interpretation of early music, Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, performance practice
National Music Museum
University of South Dakota National Music Museum and Center for Study of the History of Musical Instruments
Viola da Gamba
Viola da Gamba Society of America

Societies, Festivals, and Link Pages

Boston Early Music Festival
The world's premier biennial festival of early music featuring international baroque opera, celebrated concerts, and a world-famous Exhibition.
Early Music Mailing Lists offers a list of early music mailing lists
The Waits Website
King's Lynn Waites: Medieval, Tudor & Renaissance Town Band
Sebelius Academy Links
Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland *This website is in Finnish*
American Musical Instrument Society
The American Musical Instrument Society is an international organization founded in 1971 to promote better understanding of all aspects of the history, design, construction, restoration, and usage of musical instruments in all cultures and from all periods.
Early Music Colorado
Early Music Colorado (EMC): high quality concerts, calendar and newsletter.
Early Music FAQ
Comprehensive information on Medieval / Renaissance / Baroque music
Student Cultural Cinco Siglos
Ukrainian Christmas Carols arranged for recorder consort (2 alto, tenor and bass recorders)
GEFAM of Zurich
The GEFAM was founded in 1951 in Zurich, Switzerland, by a number of music lovers and collectors of historical musical instruments. It is still the only society in the German speaking part of Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein) that is concerned mainly with old instruments of music. *This website is in German but offers English translation on most pages*

Early Music Ensembles

Musica Antigua de Toledo
Musica Antigua de Toledo, a Toledo, Ohio based, non-profit performance ensemble is dedicated to spreading the joy of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music
Early Music Home Page offers a list of early music performers
His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts
World-leading, pioneering group of the UK's premier virtuoso brass players, ​specializing in historically informed performances ​​of Renaissance and Baroque music
Musica Antiqua Latina
Musica Antiqua Latina, based in Rome, is devoted to the renaissance of early Italian baroque repertoire, performing on original instruments at period pitch.
Pro Musica Antiqua Oslo
Norwegian Center for Technology in Music and Art *This website is in Norwegian but does offer English translation*
Musica Antiqua Utah
Musica Antiqua is a performing group from Utah, providing medieval and Renaissance music for events and parties.
Musica Antiqua de Albuquerque
Música Antigua de Albuquerque has been performing medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music since 1978. In recognition of New Mexico's Hispanic tradition, the ensemble concentrated on the repertoire of Renaissance and medieval Spain in its early performances.
Weytora of the Czech Republic
The WEYTORA collection deals with the stylish interpretation of so-called old music. At the heart of our interest is mainly European medieval music. *This site is in Czech*
Harmoniae is a blog dedicated to looking at early music groups and musicians *This website is in Italian*

Sites for Further Study

Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
From its beginnings in 1998, the purpose of the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM) was to obtain and archive digital images of European sources of medieval polyphonic music, captured directly from the original document.
American Musicological Society
The American Musicological Society's purpose is to advance scholarship in the various fields of music through research, learning, and teaching.
Scanned Images of Music Notation
This is a scan of the 1971 Da Capo facsimile edition of Pammelia by Thomas Ravenscroft
The Labyrinth, Resources for Medieval Studies
The Labyrinth provides free, organized access to resources in medieval studies.

Early Music Retailers

The Early Music Shop
The Early Music Shop has the world's largest selection of medieval, renaissance and baroque musical instruments and sheet music online.
Antique Sound Workshop
Antique Sound Workshop's extensive on-line catalogue offers more than 800 different models of recorders and an equal number of other historical woodwind, brass, string, keyboard, and percussion instruments along with more than 15,000 titles of sheet music.
Lark in the Morning
Lark in the Morning has musical instruments and instructional material from all over the world

Dance Links

Renaissance Dance
Renaissance Dance is the web's central resource for information on European dance from the fifteenth to early seventeenth centuries